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Tips for Creating Awesome Pinboards for Classroom

Tips for Creating Awesome Looking Pinboards for Classroom
Kids are a bundle of joy, but it's hard to make their attention stick to something. That is why teachers use all kinds of tricks to make them focus while teaching. Piquing students' curiosity and capturing their minds is a much-needed skill for tutors. 

A straightforward way of achieving this is via pinboards. Attractive pinboards in the classroom walls and hallways are bound to catch student's eyeballs and force them to pay attention. Although we know there are other tricks up your sleeve, we thought an excellent article about tips for creative pinboards could be helpful. 

So here are the hacks for creating enchanting pinboards to make children perceive all the good you have to offer. Let's get started. 

1. Use fabric 
There are many types of pinboards available, but sometimes, due to lack of time, you might end up using paper or cardboards as pinboard material which is not good. Light materials like paper (even the hard ones) quickly develop too many holes due to push pins and staples. 

On the other hand, cardboards are rigid, but sticking something with pins will need the strength of hulk.

So instead of using paper or cardboard, try pinboards made of fabric. These are much better for two reasons. 

It is easy to stick something with pins, and it looks good even after a long time. 
The fabric allows you to become a broad-spectrum creative. 

The variety of colors options itself is a great place to start. Fabric pinboards are the perfect decoration and teaching tool. 

If you are looking for an excellent fabric pinboard to hang in classes, hallways, staff rooms, or your office at school, check out our range of custom-made pinboards at designer pinboards Australia. We make pinboard fabric from eco-friendly materials. Good for our round planet and great for teaching. 
2. Add colors 
This is obvious but having just one color on a pinboard makes it look not very interesting. The kids vibe with colorful things. You don't have to be a professional pinboard designer to create pinboards kids would love. Just simple two-color background will also work. 

Here, for instance, we have custom-designed notice boards in three colors for educational institutes to put up the information of upcoming projects, simple tricks for math, important chem formulae, etc.
Adding colors is a simple trick, but it can do wonders for the class environment. A vibrant set of colors rightly placed can positively energize a space. This can have a tremendous impact on students learning, behavior, and mental health.
3. Shapes 
How would you feel when you enter into a math classroom with pinboards full of different colorful pieces of pie digits, prime numbers, addition signs stick on them? 

It will instantly get you into the problem-solving mode of algebra for the term paper (just kidding). But such customized displays according to the subject can help students get into study mode quickly and make the classroom look great. 

You can have pinboards and stunning wall pieces for interior design. 

4. Use creative patterns for the pinboards. 
If there will be a beauty pageant between pinboards with patterns and without patterns, the ones will patterns will win. For sure. 

Decorating a pinboard with patterns gives you a lot of creative freedom. There are infinite ways of making patterns on pinboards. 

You can go with a simple one-thread border with the color of the pattern and the pinboard in contrast. Or add more volume to it, like a wave pattern, which is easy to create. 

A wave pattern is relatively simple to cut out of paper and gives a feeling of motion. It's catchy and compels the eyes to catch on. For more creativity, you can go with a pattern of jigsaw or stripes. 

5. Pinboards for students 
Every classroom should have pinboards for students. No need for extra planning and preparation for this one; just a simple pinboard will do. 

It is interesting for students to see their art project sticking on the wall. 

This student pinboard can also be a thinking space to carve out ideas for school projects. 
A student's pinboard can also be the home for all the achievement pictures of students like best grades in a subject, winning moments in sports, music, and other events. 

It can also be used for putting up important reminders of upcoming tests, play memory games, or a scavenger hunt. 

Basically, a pinboard for the students to share their ideas, opinions, and achievements with the class. 

6. Pinboard with a background of world map 
This is a unique idea for pinboards in schools. A map of the world as a pinboard background fits best for history and geography classes. You can use the map to spark the imagination of students about what happened in the past. Or to help students memorize the name of all the oceans and continents. 

A world map combined with a clock makes a classic piece for class interiors too. Whatever is your subject, we are sure that you can't get wrong with a world map pinboard. 
For a premium quality world map pinboard, you can visit our online store. We have world map pinboards available in various sizes and colors to suit any space and lightning. 

7. Bold Framed letters 
No more temporary tricks! This one is a marathon trick for the long year. So when you are creating the headline or a philosophy quote for the year, it is best to print it out in block letters and then sticking it on the pinboard. This will make the board look like a masterpiece right out of a gallery. 

Try these hacks and let us know which ones worked best for you and your students. 
Custom notice boards can help make these ideas into a ready to hang creative pinboards. We make customized cork and fabric pinboards for all kinds of educational institutions and facilities. Feel free to contact designer pinboards Australia if you are also looking for elegant and stylish pinboards for the coming autumn sessions. We love to decorate spaces.
Tips for Creating Awesome Pinboards for Classroom

Tips for Creating Awesome Pinboards for Classroom
