Henkilön Nikki Liu profiili

Text Adventure Game

Text Adventure Game using Kivy Library
This game is a collaboration between a friend and I. We have been bouncing ideas for a game around for a long time and finally settled in on one. This game will be a text based RPG with a dynamic set of buttons on the bottom to determine the player's actions. As of right now, we can move around a map between rooms. Shown below is the barebone basics of the game's layout.
I am handling all the programming and my friend is handling all of the design work. To relieve some of the workload off of me, I am building tools so that she can do design work in a GUI, which will then create a JSON file. This will save us the time of manually writing in new character stat blocks or room descriptions. The tool is shown below.
Learning the Kivy library has made displaying information much easier to handle. Kivy uses it's own language, which gives me another layer of separation between display functionality and game logic. My game architecture follows a MVC pattern. The Kivy language handles the View. The Kivy library of widgets act as the Controllers. My game logic, or Model, does not use the Kivy library at all. This snippet below is an example of the Kivy language. It is a simple popup confirmation box.
End of Week 2 Update: The Room Writer tool can now save, load and edit maps. The game itself can now read in these maps. A lot of under the hood changes have happened in the main game. The code has been largely reduced through use of the Command pattern. It also allowed me to more clearly separate the parts of the MVC. The Controller/Client generates and assigns Commands to the buttons(Invokers/View) in the GUI. This has allowed me to keep any references to the map (Model/Receiver) entirely outside the View. Currently, I am only using a Travel Command to navigate between rooms, but I can now easily create new commands to dynamically assign to the buttons. The video below shows the buttons updating so that you can only navigate in the directions that there is a valid room.
Text Adventure Game


Text Adventure Game
