poor girl living in the streets.
every girl want to be a princess...
Who does not know this game? she loves me, she loves me not …! and if you have not achieved the results that you wanted, then you have taken a new flower. pending the outcome of that was that you wanted.
Girl with a little snowman. how crazy that there is a season where frozen water lays around with which one you can play or just be creative.
The time before christmas. For many, this means stress. But you should just enjoy this time. Because anticipation is well known, the greatest joy. Christmas is for me to be creative , crafts and cooking. Be together. Giving. Dispensing. Listening. Deliberation. Experience peace. Crying, because of the joy and also because of grief. The everyday life expose. This is christmas for me. Love it or hate it. but do not try anything to make a fuckn’ shit in between.
Horses are fascinating animals. So strong, full of power. but still elegant and thoughtful. I never know how I should act in front of a horse. You always have the feeling that a horse knows more than yourself. Very mysterious.


my girl for you
