Tatyana Takushevichs profil

Aroma Boutique advertising illustrations

These illustrations were drawn for a boutique selling the perfume. The idea was to create several fashion illustrations where 4 key perfumes are included into the image. 

All the illustrations were made the following way: 

1. After I got the names of the key perfumes I gathered the information about them and created the mood boards. 
2. When the client approved the ideas I created the sketches of the future illustrations. 
3. When the sketches were drawn and approved I worked on the illustrations themselves. We decided that the best way would be to make a mix of graphic and watercolor style. 

When the work was finished - the client was happy and used the illustrations in the socials and as postcards giving to all the clients, also he used them in their advertising products, catalogues and documents.
Aroma Boutique advertising illustrations

Aroma Boutique advertising illustrations
