On a late September afternoon, the immensely bright sun is gleaming one million shades of smiling, even though it sky-hover sits, alone. The surrounding sky takes notice and does its best (for the observing eye) to produce a deftness with no equal, an ambience that spelled out epic, originally thought to be an untenably beautiful atmospheric day ---- this serene blue yonder aptly soaked and saturated in the fullest bodied and lavish blue hue. 
        Yet under this vast celestial heaven, lies a land where the animals work, run and live free in the nation of Tributa, a land of ecletic harmony. Nestled in the central heart region of Tributa resides a spectacle for the eyes--- vibrance never vexed. Instead freely scattered by the spirit of the land; the giving spirit, Sylvan charm. Razzalia is the home, the name,  "the land of the mood color-changing tree".  For those meandering about in the forest of Razzalia, on this temperately dense Saturday afternoon, a mildly enchanting wind is reverberating through the many branches of its many gargantuan-sized trees. For you see, summer's getting impatient almost like it is rudely and unwillingly to even stop in its season ending haste to polite and gratuitously say, “goodbye, goodbye...sorry for the hot, humid and dry but Fall is pushing me away so I unfortunately have to fly. So keep warm and til' next year, so long and goodbye.”
         The weather has already begun to shift, and this means the forest has started undergoing its yearly changing, of nature’s seasonal guard. The magic is charismatic, as transformational excitement fills the forest around this time of year, as everything from the tiniest worm to the largest of deer are reveling in the cycle of autumn’s zest of newer life. They’re engulfed, hypnotized and euphorically energized in the utterly rich beauty of wilderness draped in the fall season. The lavish shrubbery is nutrient rich and displays such a glowing gleam, that to the naked eye it is said to leave men speechless, beauty that words cannot describe.
Razzalia’s visual exuberance is exemplified by its vast spectrum range of colors that collide--- from robust beige-brunet and chalky citreous--- to the radiance of citrine-cramoisy and celeste hyacinthine.                                               Fall in the hedgerow woodlands of Razzalia beckons to research hungry dendrologists, those on a quest to analyze, unmatched diverse, environmental brilliance.
         Tree provenance is prominent in the land of wooden giants; those multitudes of mammoth and hovering grandfather trees--- it’s a silviculturists dream. Yet there is but one place in the vastly stretching and spread out forest of Razzalia, that’s not heavily shaded; the pristine and unpolluted waters of the sparkling Spangle river.  
The subtle sounds created by the Spangle River, stem from the gingerly but steadily moving current, freely and effortlessly glides along the broken river trail of water-eroding jagged rocks. The auditory pleasing river current is accompanied by the soft blowing breeze that rustles through the tree branch greens; a relaxed perceptible movement of air, not a huff n’ puff howl--- not even the wind is disturbed by the occasional twig snapping from underneath the forest animals, moving feet. Indeed the visual richness of Razzalia is worth ten tons of gold… but perhaps it is the auditory pleasures that are dispensed may be the most sought after treasures that are given freely to all.
         If you’re lucky enough to be traipsing about on one of its many nature paths, you might see, or, faintly hear, the wilderness animals as they’re going about their daily duties. So while the forest is expelling its aesthetic and captivating scenery with the seeming ease of a simple chore, the inhabiting animals of Razzalia are smack dab in the middle, of their busiest time of year. Because while tedious and heavy laboring these yearly preparations be, there most certainly needed; wild winter weather protection… violently squeezing and shaking hand shake that grabs ahold of them hard when it comes to greet them with its cold weather fun.
        However, even though there is a look of work to be done, most of the animals approach their somewhat rigorous tasks with good cheer. This positively contagious vibe that’s sent all throughout Razzalia, can be directly attributed to its resilient, and constantly flourishing environment. Because the forest of Razzalia provides more than just adequate nourishment to the diverse, daily needs, of both plant and animal life. This heart-warming wilderness is also seen as a safe and secure place, where any forest animal would be happy to call it home.


Few page describing an idea for a children's television show. Razzalia is make-believe children’s show with a target-audience age range of three Read More


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