Tom Yona's profile

Fights of Cydonia - Game Development

FoC - Fights of Cydonia.

Is the culmination of 7 years of intense, curious and joyful work. All of this time, was spent making a gaming server on Minecraft. Coded from the ground up, as well as built from the ground up.

It began as a homage to the AMC show "The walking dead" and later transformed into a Battle Royale. FoC was even a mini-game shooter for a while.

The server grew a community. There were coders, builders and moderators that I took under my wing while creating, & managing this project. I had a close team that I made important decisions with. We did everything that was needed to learn how to make this work. FTP file management, Linux server hosting, website building, eCommerce, videos and more.

The seven year project ended up getting featured for a short while on a local, well known, youtuber channel.

Guns weren't the only interesting part of this game. We had a racing mode, that allowed you to race with gliders against your best friends.
Much like PUBG, we wanted an interesting way to join the game. Parachutes it was.
There were two fronts to tackle while making this game.
The map, and the mechanics. Some of the staff partook in only one part of the equation, while most of us fought on both fronts. The map was a massive 7 by 14km island. You could explore two major cities, tourist attractions, an international airport, and vast Eastern European-like wilderness.
Here is an early view of the map from above, while being constructed.
You can visit some of our links here, project pages inviting players to join. One of our main project pages having over 41,000 views!
Here are some images from the game world, Textures were made by us, Models were made by us, and the buildings were heavily inspired by places we lived in.
Can you guess our inspiration?
The mechanical side of the game was no less important to us. We were able to make some good looking guns (by Minecraft standards, it blew anything else out of the water). We found a way to make aimable models, runnable models, and 3rd person interpretations as well! (You knew when someone was aiming right at you!)

Here is some behind the scenes of our planning process.
And just for fun, some images I felt like including.
Fights of Cydonia - Game Development


Fights of Cydonia - Game Development
