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Web Design & Social Media Templates

Asociación Latinoamericanos en Eslovenia Latinsko Društvo - Web Design


The Slovenian Latin-American association needed a website to provide information about its purpose, future projects, benefits and objectives. In addition to that, they are looking to recruit more members in order to extend the list of benefits and socialization between Latin-Americans in the country of Slovenia. Their current way of sharing information is only by social media and emails, so we are looking forward to bring the new website that delivers exactly what they want 24/7.


The association has a brand manual, so in order to make it coherent we made use of it. They showed many pages of information that we managed to divide in sections and summaries in order to not overwhelm the readers. As far as design, we kept it professional by using white space and adding the pops of color from their logo in selected components.
The client made some minor modifications in the programming phase of the website.
All photos used belong to Unsplash, Pixelbay and Latinsko Društvo. All illustrations were created and personalized with unDraw.

Thank you for watching!

If you like this work and you have a project in mind 
write me to iam.mariapablo@gmail.com
If you want to see more design visit my profile. 

Latinsko Drustvo Website


Latinsko Drustvo Website
