Profilo di Mikko Salovaara

FNC Media (Fox News rebrand)

Fox News is a news channel. That's all I will say about them.

Back in March 2019, The Walt Disney Company finished the acquisition of 21st Century Fox, a company run by the Murdochs, who were involved in the creation of the Fox Broadcasting Company and... yeah, Fox News Channel.

Following the acquisition, many Fox-branded properties were rebranded into things like "20th Century Studios", "ESPN International" and "Star", mainly to disassociate them from Fox Corporation and... that.

But what if it went the other way? What if it was Fox News that lost the Fox title?

This is a collection of five logos I made for this scenario, with the new name simply being an acronym of the name "Fox News Channel", akin to KFC. Because if anything, Fox News isn't really news, and "any reasonable viewer [is expected to] arrive with an appropriate amount of skepticism".

Now onto the other logos.
Thanks for checking this project out! Sorry for being overly political and incredibly underwhelming. 👍
FNC Media (Fox News rebrand)

FNC Media (Fox News rebrand)


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