2021. Draconic creature designs inspired by "Smaugust".
    "The Knastrande Lindwurm"

A species of dragon that lives on volcanic islands. It tunnels underground for the majority of its life. When it is time to reproduce, it emerges aboveground, digging a shallow nest in the ash near lava flows. The eggs are protected from predators by the help of its parents, which wrap their long bodies defensively around the clutch. It wiggles its glowing tail to distract or scare off predators while it escapes, but if cornered, it can bite with its sharp bottom tusks.
    "The Golden Sea Hydra"

An aquatic species of dragon. Its name is somewhat of a misnomer, since this creature is more closely related to true dragons than hydras, thus cannot have more than one head. They are instead named after the Hydra jellyfish. Like jellies, they use stinging cells located in their wings and mane to stun prey and prevent predation. Their laterally flattened tails act like a rudder to help them maneuver, and their wings propel them through the water. Some species of fish have a mutualistic relationship with the Sea Hydra, and live within its stinging tentacles. They feed on the dragons' pesky parasites, and the Sea Hydra provides them with protection from predators.
    "The One-Horned Woolly Drake"

Their small flightless wing muscles are connected to their triceps. When two Woolly Drakes are posturing to each other, they bob their heads and stomp with their front legs, causing their wings to flap. They can usually settle disputes without using their horns or claws. Instead, they primarily use their horns to punch holes in arctic ice. The majority of their hunting is done in the water, their prey primarily fish, seabirds, invertebrates, and seals. They use a sit-and-wait strategy first, to attempt to grab prey unawares, but they will use persistence hunting if they miss, waiting for their prey to tire before making their kill. They have a downy, air-trapping layer under their woolly fur to keep them warm while diving.
    "The Greater Frilled Wyvern"

These apex predators roam the forest floor and rule the canopy. Fiercely competitive, they tend to exclude most other large predators, like eagles and leopards, from their home ranges If one dares to enter their territory, they may become the wyvern's next meal. Monkeys are their favorite prey. Their wings, mane, and dorsal frill can be unfurled to create a bright and intimidating display.
Smaugust Designs
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Smaugust Designs

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