OLaF CW 黃松威's profile

the Straw - Suh Kóng | Packaging Design

別具一格的台灣伴手禮  - 環保欶管
the unique souvenir - Recycle Straw “Suh Kong"

珍珠奶茶 —— 可説是近幾年襲擊全球的台灣飲料文化,不管是在商場或是辦公室都人手一杯!而飲用它最好的方式就是“吸管”!在這個環保意識强大的年頭,“環保吸管”近些年來在台灣也是相當盛行的,不過在國外貌似比較缺乏這樣的習慣。因此“環保欶管”就此誕生!讓我們透過伴手禮的形式,向國外散播“環保習慣”的文化吧!

In the ever-changing era, the only constant is the items of souvenirs. Souvenirs are gifts that you bring back to relatives and friends when you travel. Souvenirs also represent the ecology, customs and even culture of a place. 
Pearl milk tea was  Taiwan's beverage culture that has attacked the world in recent years, whether it is in the mall or the office, everyone has a cup! And the best way to drink it, was a "straw"! In this age of strong environmental awareness, "environmental straws" have also become popular in Taiwan in recent years, but they seem to lack such a habit abroad. Therefore, Recycle Straw “Suh Kong" was born! Let's propagate culture of recycle straw to all over the world !
As for why these 6 colors? Taiwan officially adopted same-sex marriage
 on May 24, 2019, becoming the first country in Asia and the 27th country in the world to implement same-sex marriage! And these 7 colors want to tell everyone that this is the progress of democratic country and pride of Taiwan!

Type|Packaging Design
Graphic Design | Choongwei, NG
Director | Fangju,CHEN

work by  OLAF CW

This work is a packaging concept proposal, and there is no commercial sale. If you need customized production, please contact us.

the Straw - Suh Kóng | Packaging Design


the Straw - Suh Kóng | Packaging Design
