Profil appartenant à Samin Anan

Bicycle Racing Simulator

A bicycle simulator game where the player has to ride a real-world cycle and the movement and speed is accurately replicated in the game world cycle. Sensors are attached at different parts of the real-world cycle, which stores and sends data about it's direction and the speed in which the player is paddling the cycle with. These data are then received, decoded and then used in the game to move the game world cycle.
The game is designed as a racing game. The environment is designed as city streets and AI cycles are manually created and placed as competitors. The AI bikers drive their cycles at a predefined speed. The goal is to beat them to the finish line. During the journey, the player would notice some collectible, designed as energy drink bottles, procedurally placed in the track. Collecting them would give the player a speed boost. The obstacles placed on the track can obstruct the player speed, so the player has to try to avoid them. The player can see his journey through first person view and his position in real time on the screen. The game ends when either the player crosses the finish line or the predetermined time runs out. The player is shown his final position at the ending point on the screen in both scenarios.
Bicycle Racing Simulator
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Bicycle Racing Simulator

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