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Symphonic Nostalgia

Symphonic Nostalgia
Symphonic Nostalgia is an Audio Visual project. Combining sound and object to create a resonance body and sound form.

Over 100 years old and a collector’s item, the Kodak Pocket Junior No1A is a show piece, a display item. So keeping the original aesthetic and look to the camera was invaluable. I wanted to keep the camera in its original state so you didn’t know it was a resonance body. It was important for me to be able to hide all the electronics, and speaker inside the body of the camera and have nothing outside that would suspect to the public that this camera didn’t serve its function as a camera anymore.

The soundscape created is a nostalgic response to the camera, the early 1900s and the more modern digital era. It juxtaposes modern camera sounds recorded by the contact microphone,voice samples also recorded with the contact mic, depicting photographic quotation. Also I sampled and digitized clips of President Franklin D.Roosevelt’s First Address in 1932. As well as clips of Louis Armstrong and Bing Crosby - both musicians who were performing in this era when the camera was in production. 

Symphonic Nostalgia is a display piece and made to be put on show in a cabinet or shelf. It serves its purpose simply by looking at it and listening to the sounds created. Causing this nostalgia and for us to reminisce on the past. Without the sound it is merely another camera on a shelf, but the sound draws the audience in and interacts with them through an emotional and mental level. The audience begins to look and study the camera to find where the audio is coming from and in doing this are filled with nostalgic experiences, the sound repeats and the crackle in the audio reminds us of old times and how the digital is replacing these old technologies.
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Symphonic Nostalgia

Symphonic Nostalgia

A sound installation for Audio-Visual paper at Victoria University of Wellington. Combining sound and object to create a resonance body and sound Read More
