Sam Wrights profil

35mm Black and White Photography

35mm Black and white photography
A selection of photos taken from 2015 to present using various film stocks and cameras.
Urban exploration
The subject of these images ranges from a disused Second World War airfield in Silver End, Essex to a milk carton filling factory in Sible Hedingham. 
Canon AE-1 with Kentmere 400
Canon AE-1 with Kentmere 400
Canon AE-1 with Kentmere 400
Canon AE-1 with Kentmere 400
The main focus here is The Barbican and The National gallery with a focus on their sharp features and block like nature.
Nikon F-801 with Ilford FP4 Plus
Experimental Photography
6 x 9 Plate camera with 120 film adapter using a 35mm film adapters, Ilford PAN F Plus
Zenit TTL with Ilford FP4 Plus
35mm Black and White Photography

35mm Black and White Photography
