Profil appartenant à Narges Semnoon

30Tir Cultrual centre

30 tir street is one of the oldest and important street in old tehran and some prominent cultural, historical, religion centers are located on it; such as GHAVAM historical house, IRAN BASTAN museum and a some churches and mosques. But nowadays this street does not have suitable situation; its main  occupants have moved and the buildings have been reformed to other facilities like stores due to proximity to the BAZAR.
In order to survive and prosper once again up the street, decided to design an art center in this street.
Due to the chaotic state of this street; the design process focus on  assuage the surrounding. On the first step it was considered to maintain 3 existing buildings of the site. one of them for the historical values and 2 of them for economical values. The first design decision was creating urban cross and consider it as a  urban space, which it first connects the street of two sides and second  enables people to entre the complex in which sides that they desire; it means that this complex is not  separated by any wall or door from the quarter. Due to the compressed context; the second design decision was taking most part of the center under the ground and create an open space in the site. This act will help to  assuage the surrounding and also  help to bring tradition pattern to the mind. These 3 kipped building gave us some susceptibilities for design 
1-create triple division: these triple division was maintained and create the lines of the empty and filled space of the site. The intermediate space became an open space and city cross and   the two spaces became the closed spaces were placed. Also this caused that the conference spaces are placed on the north of the site and educational space in the south of the site.
2-the two buildings adjacent the 30TIR street bring the gate shape to the mind.
the other design consideration was green design; so this happened in the floor of the conference space.
30Tir Cultrual centre
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30Tir Cultrual centre

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