Micah Meeka's profile

Healing With The Hearts : Soil Painting Series

Healing with the Arts 
Soil Painting Series
Essence and Meaning, 2020
*Private Collection

Lotus on a Murky Water, 2020
*Private Collection
In Pain and Suffering, 2020
Battle Against My Inner Critic, 2020
Centering for Healing
Butterfly, 2020

Reclaim Your Inner Artist and Healer, 2020
* Private Collection
The Artist Creed
By Jan Phillips

I believe I am worth the time it takes
To create whatever I feel called to create.

I believe my work is worthy of its own space and is worthy of the name sacred.
I believe that when I enter this space,
I have the right to work in silence, uninterrupted, as long as I choose.

I believe that the moment I open myself up to the gifts of the muse,
I open myself up to the source of all creation,
And I become one with the mother of life itself.

I believe that my work is joyful, useful, and constantly changing, flowing through me
Like a river with no beginning and no end.

I believe that what I am called to do will make itself known
When I have made myself ready."

I believe that the time I spend creating my art
is as precious as the time I spend giving to others.
I believe that what truly matters in the making or art is
not what the final piece looks like or sounds like,
not what it is worth or not worth, but what newness gets added
to the universe in the process of the piece itself becoming.

I believe that I am not alone in my attempts to create,
and that once I begin the work, settle into the strangeness,
the words will take shape, the form find life, and the spirit take flight.”

Healing With The Hearts : Soil Painting Series


Healing With The Hearts : Soil Painting Series
