Reids Rural Iron Bark

Iron Bark is a dense, wet wood that is suitable for burning-

It has a high heat-to-weight ratio and will burn longer than most other types of firewood. It can also be quite tough to start an Iron Bark fire, so we recommend having some firelighters on hand just in case. Here are some of the uses of Reids rural iron bark
i)    It's the perfect firewood for winter due to its high heat-to-weight ratio. It can also burn longer than all other types of wood.
ii)    Since Iron Bark has a wet bark, it is perfect for starting fires, so we recommend having some firelighters available at all times.
iii)    This wood is excellent for cooking as it releases a smoky flavor, similar to that of an open fire.
iv)     It has high amounts of carbon and is thus ideal for use in a fireplace or heater that requires only the best quality wood.

Reids Rural Iron Bark

Reids Rural Iron Bark


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