EN MASSE: Gods of Hell
EN MASSE: Gods Of Hell is one of collaborative writing project by 5 authors; Fivtind, Kabut-Kelabu, A-Taesthetics, Sthrynnara, and Jeonicle. The project was consisting fantasy and slice-of-life genred fictions, which was purely and originally made by each authors as the appreciation of their writing experience. It is contain 7 chapters with different vibes and different intrepretations depend on what each authors think about "Hell". The book has officially made its debut and printed under the license of Haebara Publisher Company. I personally decided to rebrand the book to give it the fresh and rich looks without losing its fantasy senses.
EN MASSE: Gods of Hell

EN MASSE: Gods of Hell

EN MASSE: Gods of Hell is a premiere collaborative project consisted by 5 amazing authors; Fivtind, Kabut-Kelabu, A-Taesthetics, Sthrynnara, and Развернуть



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