Identity for Anti Aging Center

Full rebranding for the Ukrainian clinic 

(by Promoitalia) is a leading center of aesthetic medicine. It's about loving your body and taking care of your health. From you – communication with experienced experts and finding common ground with your body. From the clinic – the best professionals who know how to stop time and restore harmony. When we started working on rebranding, we determined what the center specializes in and what it gives to customers. And we are not talking about a list of services now, but about a big mission.

The design of ANTI AGING CENTER combines a passion for beauty and health of the body and modern approaches to diagnosis and treatment. We have emphasized this: the combo of antiquity and neon reflects the qualifications of professionals and their modern approach. Well, it adds radiance to the most significant and beautiful sculptures.

Illustrations, that are used in identity
3D models, that are used in identity

Also we took care of outdoor advertising: developed unique posters and decorated the window of the center.

Creative Director  Dima Koren
Project Manager — Anisiia Stukanova
Strategist — Veronica Gromova,
Graphic Designer Kate Voytenko

<Thank you for watching!>

Identity for Anti Aging Center