About «InkTober»

Every year at October there is an art-challenge in Instagram where lots of artists taking part.
This challenge focused to improve skills by draw one picture every day and using traditional materials
like inks, watercolours, etc. It was created by Jake Parker who announces a list of 31-day themes every
year at the beginning of autumn, which are taken as a basis for creating drawings.
Some artists create their own sheets with themes that you can also take it as a basis or create your own.
I followed the theme-list by Madalena Lacerda.

At this time I travelled to Japan for a month with my family. As long as I was limited by weight of my luggage,
I wasn’t able to carry a lot of traditional materials and liquid stuff with me.
So I decided to try to imitate regular ink, gold ink, and watercolours in digital.

Before the start of the challenge and before our departure, I managed to make blanks of ink and
watercolour fills. This makes the main color palette: I had no goal to make absolute monochrome,
so I allowed myself to experimenting. Also, I managed to make sketches for future drawings,
so after that I didn’t spend a lot of time on it.
And also I prepared flat-lay mockups so that the whole series of drawings would look harmoniously
in the Instagram feed. And since I was limited in time, I drew only half of the theme-list.
After coming back i’ve planned to make a sticker-set with it which you can see below.
30 sec video of drawing process
Mock-ups of T-shirt and phone from Freepik.com
Find more in Instagram 
Inktober 2019


Inktober 2019
