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Robin Spann Offers 5 Helpful Road Trip Tips for Maximiz

Robin Spann Offers 5 Helpful Road Trip Tips for Maximizing Car Travel Safety
The pandemic put many travel plans in "park." Finally, vacations are getting the green light. And now that it's time to hit the open road again, experienced traveler Robin Spann provides some helpful tips for ensuring your next trip goes smoothly.

Chicago, Illinois Aug 13, 2021 (  - With pandemic-era travel restrictions gradually being lifted across the country, Robin Spann knows that many families are beginning to plan their next great getaway. But while airports and bus stations are now filling up, some are turning to the freedom and fun of the open road. 

Spann understands that while public transportation and flights have now resumed, road trips reduce exposure. Car travel provides an opportunity to take the "bubble" on the road. Even as restrictions have been lifted in most areas, this trend continues to hold true. In research conducted by the U.S. Travel Association, 68 percent of people surveyed identified themselves as feeling most secure when riding by personal vehicle.

Experienced traveler Robin Spann offers five helpful tips for planning your next road trip, maximizing safety and getting the most doesn't mean car travel isn't without its own risks. 

Plan the route

Spann understands that in our new social distancing reality, road trips can no longer be spontaneous. Planning ahead is almost required. Sites, destinations, and attractions may be restricted or closed. Spann suggests scouting ahead for gas and restaurants. All of these steps will limit the risk of potential exposure. As a general rule, the fewer detours, the better.

Prepare your car

As Spann knows, it's important to avoid just jumping in the car and taking off. He recommends giving your vehicle a comprehensive once-over before peeling out. This includes checking oil, fluids, brakes, and wipers. Robin Spann also recommends packing emergency and first aid supplies. Although these are hopefully unnecessary, these precautions will help road trippers avoid being stuck, stranded, or having unintended contact with other people.

Bring a mask

While policies have definitely relaxed, Spann suggests never leaving home without at least one face covering. Not only for protection, but some places may still require one for entry. Cotton is most effective. Gaiters or bandanas provide little protection.

Pack more than essentials

Even if a mask is a no-brainer, there are other supplies and accessories that can help make the journey safer. Hand sanitizer is a must. Spann suggests using only products with at least 60% alcohol included. He also recommends limiting unwanted stops by packing snacks and bottled water. Despite your bags being already stuffed full, Robin Spann always leaves room for at least two extra days.

Select a hotel wisely

Choosing a room for the night can be the most stressful since you are relying on someone else to clean it properly. Spann suggests asking questions and reading posted rules to determine when a room's being sanitized. Over 24 hours between uses is ideal. Before unpacking and getting comfortable, he recommends wiping down handles, remotes, and any other hard surfaces. Robin Spann also looks for rooms with outdoor access when possible. 

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Robin Spann Offers 5 Helpful Road Trip Tips for Maximiz

Robin Spann Offers 5 Helpful Road Trip Tips for Maximiz
