Artist Statement

My work explores the relationship between past and present, archetypes and connection with other dimensions of time.
Investigating the aesthetics of pioneering processes in Photography is very exciting to me.
Presenting a work which envokes a question of whether the Photograph is Old is thrilling to me.
I have been fascinated by the essential unreality of older photographs and the people in them since a child.
In creating these works I am availed vicarious access to these times and to those once enigmatic people, my Nana being that collaborative bridge who having shared stories and visual documentation of her own experience and that of our family who are separated from us only by the passage of time.
With influences as diverse as Adolphe-Alexandre Martin and Maggie Taylor, a new narrative is inspired and manufactured from both traditional/original and the newer creative, composite works of Maggie Taylor which introduces to Old Daguerreotype images a whimsical, dreamy and playful element that I feel creates a connection to the world of dreams we all share in some way.
What starts out as yearning soon gives way to transmutation into new synthesis, revealing a surprising new narrative.
The viewer is then left with a hymn to the illusory limits of our world.
Digital Vintage Photography


Digital Vintage Photography
