Concept Scans
Some of my phsycial media work to be digitally reworked.
These scans are of sketch and drawing work done in greyscale, to be digitally painted, cropped and altered to make possible game assets. This media is how I started my passion with artistry and creation of beautiful, alluring pieces for use in my career of art.
The Princess of vampires, first scan after mild reworking.
A more developed and well rounded idea of the same charcter fixing some of the flaws of the first work.
After some redesign and reshading.
As the design and concept of the character evolved I added a second person to the work and began to re-envision the entire piece, adding in a bit of context to the work.
My winter fairy, strange little thing I began to draw one day as a test of my simpler skills and techniques for shading and line work.
One of my older works. Nyxia the angel of shadows.
Another of the earlier works of my days drawing. A revision of the angelic work to something darker and more sinister.
A quick concept idea for a game project I was working on. Kara the keeper of souls in a post appocalyptic version of Dantes inferno. The machine designed as more effeminate to be used as the keeper of souls and rebirth of mankind.
The series of the barbarian queen I use to show the progression of my drawings. The concept, then to a higher contrast, redesign, and eventually digitally colored. One of my favorite pieces.
Concept scans

Concept scans

A way for me to show off my progression through the years of my working on artistic skills, to see how far I have come and how far I have yet to Read More
