Mobile App Design
Designing a mobile app to help people shift towards a more purposeful and urban food shopping attitude in order to reduce the food wastage in households.

The problem of food waste globally is understood to be incredibly harmful and linked to how an overabundance of food and resources in the first place. Looking within food waste we were wanting to further focus our solution as there were problems throughout the journey that food takes before reaching our plate. Hence our project to tackle food waste comes in the form of encouraging a minimalist lifestyle to help combat food waste in the home. 

The project collated a series of 6 questions which related most importantly to our mission statement, and which gave the best insight into the various behaviours of the respondents. It discusses grocery shopping and cooking habits as well as awareness and approaches to food waste as an issue. 100 responses were collected overall and include a wide range of individuals such as students, parents, grandparents, roommates, working professionals and couples. 
We were able to further understand from this that food waste often comes from throwing out food due to not planning around meals which use these ingredients. 
Value Proposition Map.

By using the value map, we identified that a good way of relieving the persona’s pains would be to shop less, shop smarter and be aware of when food expires. A meal planning service prior to grocery shopping also seemed to be a way of relieving pain and creating gain. The added value that our solution provides is less food expiring and using up ingredients before buying more.


Testing the quick prototype of our app which was tested by strangers to acquire their constructive criticism. Feedback received was used to further develop and improve the app. Ultimately, we decided we wanted an app that could keep track of the food that was available to reduce the number of times that a person would shop for groceries.

