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MIND HEALING Binaural Vibes 741 Hz + 528 Hz + 11 Hz

MIND HEALING Binaural Vibes 741 Hz + 528 Hz + 11 Hz
If you are looking for some powerful affirmations for the mind, here is a list of 15 you should consider repeating every day. Affirmations:
• I am mentally well and stable.
• I am in the process of healing my mental health for good.
• I am choosing to focus on mental wellness.
• My diagnosis was the starting point to build a better life.
• I will replace my negative thoughts with positive thoughts.
• I become more and more grateful for life each day that I wake up.
• I deserve a life filled with happiness and love.
• I prioritise and practice self-care on the daily basis.
• My life is filled with positive people and things.
• I love myself and my flaws while working towards becoming a better person.
• I only treat myself with the utmost compassion, kindness, and love.
• My mental health diagnosis and issues do not define who I am as a person.
• I am creating better mental health each and every day.
• I fall more in love with who I am each day.
• I am unafraid to share my true feelings.
MIND HEALING Binaural Vibes 741 Hz + 528 Hz + 11 Hz

MIND HEALING Binaural Vibes 741 Hz + 528 Hz + 11 Hz


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