The human mind has never had any emotion until when the internal senses affect the external senses. mood arises When it hits something that doesn't like it, it's distressing. When it affects what you like, it makes you happy. Humans have never had inner peace. because he couldn't keep up with his own mind This artwork is actually a mirror that allows us to look back on our own minds.
Abstract Expressionism Paintings 
Project : Perception Series
Title : Preception1
acrylic on paper 
Abstract Expressionism Paintings 
Project : Perception Series
Title : Preception2
acrylic on paper 
By slowdwon99Art
Abstract Expressionism Paintings 
Project : Perception Series
Title : Preception3
acrylic on paper 
By slowdwon99Art
Perception series

Perception series

This project presents a reflection on human emotions. in different feelings through abstract painting
