I was commissioned by Adobe MAX 2021, The Creativity Conference, for creating a logo intervention for the second all virtual event. 
They decided to celebrate three days of sunrise to sunset programing with an updated light & shadow MAX logo. They made it in six different flavors that correspond with six segments (photography, video & motion, illustration, design, UX & UI, and 3D & AR) which make up Creative Cloud, it is after all the Creativity Conference. To help celebrate our creative community we paired MAX light & shadow logo with self portraits from creatives in their styles, who we engaged with through CoCreate: MAX initiative. So they gathered a lovely variety of portrait styles from almost forty creatives from all around the world. But that's not all: we have also selected six diverse artists to create their expressions of MAX logo. This combined abundance of assets gave us plenty of visuals to promote the conference.  Register today. 
Adobe MAX


Adobe MAX
