Beyza Öztürk 的個人檔案

Kamusal ve Ekolojik Döngüsel Yamalar

Kamusal ve Ekolojik Döngüsel Yamalar / 
Publıc and Ecologıc Cırcular Stıtches
AURA-İstanbul (The Istanbul Architecture and Urbanism Research Academy)

This project is the product of a research study that is conducted at AURA Istanbul (The Istanbul Architecture and Urbanism Research Academy), Spring Semester 2021.
The study aims to research about public green spaces of Istanbul and produce database for the future studies.
For the booklet and the layout of the research project, scroll down!


The GIF represents how the transformation could happen in time by following the river step by step.
Kamusal ve Ekolojik Döngüsel Yamalar