“Inevitably, there are distortions, omissions, erasures,                                  
and silences in the archive. Not every story is told.” [1]

[1] Carter, R. (2006). Of things said and unsaid:
Power, archival silences, and power in silence. A
rchivaria 61 (September), 215-33

The archive has the power to include and preserve records, voices and certain narratives, while excluding and neglecting others, oppressing and marginalizing certain groups and themes.
By selecting the information that is kept, silences and empty spaces are created in the archives, result 
of excluded narratives that will not be transmitted to future generations, eventually falling into oblivion. Thus, not only records are lost, but also collective memory and cultural identity.
The editorial motto of this project focuses precisely on these stories that remain to be told, on the voices that are silenced, revealing and exposing the gaps and lack of information that exist in the archives, result of the action of power structures that are behind archival practice .

 [Un]Told Stories aims not only to expose the silences or gaps in archives, but also to illustrate them, involving the reader in an experience of reaching information while facing the lack of it, through a dynamic and confusing visual narrative. 

The publication is structured around two reading modes: at a first level, by just turning pages, the reader gets a summary of the different texts selected, perceiving only primary information. On the other hand, if he wants to go deeper into the subject, he can unfold the pages and have access to more information, presented in a dysfunctional and evocative way. 

Regardless of the reading mode the reader chooses, he will always find gaps                 of information and
narratives that are not completed, experiencing the same    s i  l e n c e s    that  are presented in archives. 

Reading Mode

Reading Mode

Thank you!
