Giancarlo Static's profile

AS3:AIR - Communicate with Onyx fingerprint module

Onyx Fingerprint Module​​​​​​​
“Best brain teaser of all time, I didn't have to spend money on anything else for two weeks because it has so many commands to keep me busy.” -Anonymous beta tester
“This kit is like a quick shortcut to learn how I can apply it to other much cheaper low perk modules and possibly make a serious product out of it, this is not a game.” -Anonymous beta tester
“Trusted seller, I felt confident buying this because the company was able to communicate. Very fast, 
reliable fingerprint scanner.” -Anonymous beta tester
Email your inquiry to:
Onyx FPM - AS3 Source Files:
Get ID list from module: Download​​​​​​​
Identify fingerprint from module: Download
Reformat fingerprint moduleDownload
Enroll fingerprint to module (simple): Download
Delete fingerprints from module: Download

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AS3:AIR - Communicate with Onyx fingerprint module

AS3:AIR - Communicate with Onyx fingerprint module


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