The names of Ukraine 
The project about Ukrainian famous people who made a lot for history of Ukraine. Those persons had a difficult life and they artworks were forbidden or persecuted. 
The persons are:
Lina Kostenko is a Ukrainian poet and writer and representative of poets of the sixties known as the Sixitiers. 
Vasyl Stus was a poet, journalist and active member of the Ukrainian dissident movement. His works were banned by Soviet regime. 
Alla Horska Ukrainian artist of the sixties, monumentalist painter, one of the first representatives of the underground art movement, dissident and a well-known activist of the human rights movement of the 1960s.
Ivan  Kawaleridze  was a Ukrainian sculptor, filmmaker, film director, playwright and screenwriter. was a Ukrainian politician. 
Viacheslav Chornovil A prominent Ukrainian dissident in the Soviet Union, he was arrested multiple times in the 1960s and 1970s for his political views
Linocut, paper, ink 
Kyiv, Ukraine 
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The names of Ukraine

The names of Ukraine
