The objective of this competition was to rethink and propose what it means to create public installation/ pavilion/ art or furniture by incorporating the waste materials from existing industrial site of Aloki. These materials vary in size, texture, weight, and appearances giving artists the flexibility to design any type of installation. The brief was not restrictive to any specific site or scale. The design strategy should be to investigate and design through a series of participatory and/or collaborative methods.
Design Concept
For many of us descending well into adulthood, the 90’s are home to our collective nostalgia. From pinwheel toys, Ferris-wheels, cinemas halls, puppet shows, watching BTV together, the white noise infused radio, cassette players to arcade games in the shadiest of alleyways – all are encased in nostalgic memories for an entire generation. Our design for the installation draws inspiration from those memories embedded in our hearts through a number of interactive features using recycled, found materials. The design not only focuses on the aesthetics of an art piece but invites us to embark upon a colorful journey to the past.
Delving into the design aspects, our installation portrays the 90’s nostalgic theme through incorporating functional features like furniture, shading, benches, display areas that are inspired from said narrative.  The design is made interactive through playful spaces, operable art displays and illustrations that are aimed to engage and inspire the participants. The idea is to infuse a touch of nostalgia in the fast-pacing world of today as a gateway to simpler times. This is symbolically represented in the design with the squared framed space where the user enters to enjoy and interact with themed art works. Temporality of the recycled material and structures used reflects the ever pacing, ever-changing time. Hence, the design is flexible to be built in segments or as a whole without losing value of its theme and has the scope to expand or be modified as necessary in the future.
Musings of Descent
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Musings of Descent

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