This are a small images for some songs of Mnsr.Gustav at streaming platforms. They make great music and have wrote to me to create cover images. No any requirements, just what my inspiration will create for their songs.

The first one named Chagall or Shagal. The music made me feel like having a travel, or walking through storm. I'd just sitting and making strokes in Procreate, listening to their song on repeat again and again. And at last, small swallow appeared on the screen, so...
You may find the song here:

The unpublished yet song had two covers. First one I redraw and created stand-alone illustration. I draw it from my Inktober illustration, because the song name is Lady Light.

But the other idea will be used for cover. Because this idea not really fit the song. So I began listen the song again and again, sitting with closed eyes. And watching, what my imagination would draw. At last, there were some ideas, I've wrote it to the guys, and we'd chosen the one with oil lamp. They said, that it'll be a good idea, if something impossible, like swallow flying in the storm, will be in every covers. So I used idea of lamp and fitted the flower there.
The guys were fair enough, when said, that the key is not really necessary, so I removed it.
upd: The song is published now, here this is: 

The third song is Sol, and it have two versions, so I made two covers:

I hope, here will be new covers. Stay tuned.
Mnsr.Gustav Song Covers

Mnsr.Gustav Song Covers
