Laya Susan 的个人资料

How To Recognize and Avoid Abuse in Marriage Life?

How To Recognize and Avoid Abuse in Marriage Life?

Abuse comes in lots of different forms and all of them are harmful and have the potential to create short and/or long-term effects. It has such an impact value that when it is brought up in conference, most people instantly enter rejection. No one wants to believe another human being is efficient at inflicting such pain and horror on another person so they begin to rationalize it, which is harmful as well. Justifying can happen for both victims and abusers, which is how the series continues. There are many types of abuse and while we inspire you to learn about them all. Here are 4 important agreements in this stage that we need to identify and understand together before we can continue:

Verbal / Emotional Abuse:

1) The abuser insults or tries to snub you
2) The abuser attacks you for being overly touchy
3) The abuser forces their way into your personal gap or blocks you from moving away
4) The abuser breaks the wall, spoils their fists, or throws surrounding households

Physical Abuse:

1) The abuser physically keeps you under control
2) The abuser is not giving food or necessary medication
3) The abuser injures your body, hits, cuts, burns, chokes, or bites you
4) The abuser forcefully drugs you

Sexual Abuse:

1) The abuser performs a sexual act on you without your permission
2) The abuser drugs you all right to perform a sexual act on you without your permission
3) The abuser forces you to do a sexual act on them without your permission
4) The abuser forces you to do a sexual act on other people without your permission

How To Recognize and Avoid Abuse in Marriage Life?

How To Recognize and Avoid Abuse in Marriage Life?

