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A “Cheesy” Feast Appealing to all Senses
Tim Burton镜头里的《查理与巧克力工厂》,曾带给我们味蕾刺激下的想象力旅行。色泽淡黄、充满孔洞的奶酪,有着不逊于巧克力的温润醇香。当Towodesign堂晤设计将它作为甜品工房的概念主打时,食物、视觉与情感混糅产生的化学作用,酝酿成个性化空间设计的奇幻体验。

In the movie Charlie and the Chocolate Factory directed by Tim Burton, we witnessed a journey of imagination full of tasty stimulations. Cheese, with its tiny holes and color of yellow, is comparable to the rich and mellow flavor of chocolate. By choosing this delicacy as the main concept to design “The Dessert Kitchen”, Towodesign produced chemical reactions among food, visual impression and emotion, and created a unique space that provides fantasy experiences.

The dessert shop is located in the sunken square of a mall, close to its main entrance. From a commercial perspective, it’s necessary to give the store a striking visual impression to attract customers. A large yellow table extends from the outside eating area to the interior, and even up to the shopfront where the logo is set.

The surface of the table is characterized by holes, similar to those of cheese. Customers are flowing elements in this area, making the holes variable, sometimes full, sometimes empty. It’s as if SpongeBob was turned into a huge cheese. The outside eating area, like a sculpture, has a strong sense of existence, becoming a visual highlight on the underground square of the mall. The openings of the table were designed based on functionality, which also encourage people sitting next to each other to interact and chat.

Starting from the fact that people gain life energy from food, Towodesign intended to create a dessert heaven with a church-like interior structure, full of a sense of “ritualism”. Elements of towering domes of churches were applied to the ceiling, which consists of several vaults in line with the trapezoidal plane of the site. Considering the concealment of the air conditioning vent and creation of a visual hierarchy, the ceiling presents a grid-like appearance, which also strengths the rhythm of curves.

The white grid well matches with the yellow backdrop wall, showing a proper balance between order and affinity. Teatime is like a ritual in life, which can be enjoyed in this imaginative church-like space of peace and sweetness. The bar counter also features the elements of cheese, echoing the structural eating area outside. The interior furniture presents round or curved shapes, adding flexibility to the space and enabling the customers to enjoy the feast of visual and gustatory entertainment.
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Towodesign堂晤设计联合创始人、艺术总监。毕业于中国美术学院;进修于意大利米兰NABA-NouvaAccademia di Belle Arti Milano。多年的综合领域设计经历,塑造了对品牌、空间与众不同的解读和表达。擅长于参数化数字设计、艺术装置设计与商业品牌传达之间的融合设计。
何牧获中国室内设计新势力暨2020设计红人榜年度十大设计师、40 UNDER 40 中国设计杰出青年上榜人物(全国榜)、2019年荣获新浪评选的全国十大设计新势力称号;团队于2018年获得现代装饰评选的TOP 30成长力设计机构称号。团队项目获得主要奖项:德国iF设计大奖、意大利A' Design设计大奖、美国Best of Year Awards、英国Restaurant & Bar Design Awards、艾特奖、金堂奖、金外滩奖、亚太室内设计大奖。





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