Jonn Micah Arias 的个人资料

Typographic Systems: Exposure

2020, Year 2, 200 level ‘Typographic Systems’ Elective: 

Project 1: 3 Posters Series
The aim of this project was to develop a series of three posters for an event. For each component, we were given body text and images and had to create layouts where everything had to be working in harmony with each other. We were also given a set colour palette and had to make those colours work using tints etc. The first poster was just using type. The second poster was using both type and image. The last poster was being expressive with type. 
Project 2: Event Calendar & Brochure
The aim of the second part of the assignment was to design a fold out calendar and a booklet. I changed my colour palette for this project.
Typographic Systems: Exposure

Typographic Systems: Exposure
