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Makers Bible - Prealps


Makers Bible— PreAlps Guide 

After the great start of our new Makers Bible series with the guide Munich “Handmade Quality”, this is already the second guide to makers & crafters, retailers and hosts. This time we are going to the foothills of the Alps, more precisely to the regions between Lake Constance and Berchtesgaden.

Countless books have already described excursion and hiking tips in this particularly scenic region. As a book in the Makers Bible series, this guide to the foothills of the Alps focuses on the people and their products. Away from the clichés, but without leaving them completely out, our guide to handmade quality in the Pre-Alps once again focuses on Makers & Crafters, farmers, restaurateurs and hoteliers whose products and services offer an alternative to the ordinary. Find your next destination, tips on holiday homes and accommodation in the Voralpen and discoveries away from crowded car parks. Look forward to locally sourced and handcrafted delights on your holiday and trip to the Alps.

In our opinion, it’s not only what you consume that matters, but with it, who you consume it from. Products from the Alpine foothills are identification with the people who make and offer them. Whether it’s lederhosen or liver dumplings, once you’ve experienced the real thing, you won’t go for the copy. Handmade quality is the resonance of the human and the result of time, talent and attentiveness and deserves the appreciation of all of us. But first it must be discovered.

In this sense, discover it!

Makers Bible - Prealps

Makers Bible - Prealps
