Katiana Mekka 님의 프로필

Revealing the Hidden / Outdoor Domesticity

Revealing the Hidden / Outdoor Domesticity
Claiming the public space through domestic life


Workshop: Phygital Realities by Digita lFUTURES

Group: Aikaterini Anna (Katiana) Mekka, 
Kuba Jekiel @kuba_hyperliving
Year: 2021

Taught by: @iheartblob

The project explores the tension between private and public domains. It allows the user to pick from a gallery of traditionally domestic environments and locate them within the outdoor space. In that way, we allow to temporarily claim the ownership of such a spot and create a cozy surrounding, inviting other people to join. The project uses the technology of augmented reality and the interface appears when they enter the portal. From the interface, the user can pick from 3 different kinds of interventions that are being dropped in front of them. We used the technique of point cloud scans to bring our own homes into this experience. By that, we blend our domesticity with the location given by the tutors. The concept aims to trigger the imagination and play with the idea of digitally shared spaces.

First thoughts and storyboard
Finalised Experience ( Snapshots, Video, AR )
Revealing the Hidden / Outdoor Domesticity


Revealing the Hidden / Outdoor Domesticity
