Ana Mavroianu's profile

Maze World || Game

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This small game was one of my 2019/2020 submissions for my programming module.
The goal was not to focus on the art-style and animations on this game, but rather the programming itself.

The brief was to create a game prototype based on a game we chose from a list. The game that inspired this one was "Maze Planet 3D".

It was made in Unity, using C#. I must say that although it is a really simple concept I did encounter some challenges when making it.

One of them was the player's movement. As the "ground" is a sphere and not a plane, if I would have used the player's rigid body gravity, it would have fallen into space. Therefore I set the gravity in unity to 0 (zero) and created a system of two scripts to fake it. One of the scripts, “Gravity attractor” is attached to the planet object and the other script “Gravity_Body” is attached to the player. The player script is calling in update the function  “Attract” from the “Gravity_Attractor” script, which in every frame is calculating  the normal position and rotation of the player, so his local Y axis is always pointing towards the sky.

Also the game has a small progress saving system, which basically uses a binary saving data system. It encrypts and stores the data and it cannot be deleted unless doing it on purpose. (From the game menu)
Maze World || Game

Maze World || Game
