Abir Mahmuds profil

Mazagine and Brochure Design

My name is Mozammal Haque. Nike name Abir Mahmud.
I’m Graphic Designer with The Design World Helping Business and Printing Side Promoting Themselves Effectively. I've worked with Bangladeshi Government & individuals' companies, non-profit organizations on bringing their creative visions to life. Most of the Bangladesh tourism Board, Save the Children, Health Ministry...
I would love to collaborate with you on your next project! I work as a full-time or part-time freelance graphic designer on Upwork.
I’m Expert of Flyer design, Brochure design, Catalogs or Dairy & Calendar, Magazine Page Layout, Book, Newsletter, Landing Page. Poster Design, Image Manipulation. Social Media Advertising Design, Business Card, Logo Design, Etc.
Mazagine and Brochure Design


Mazagine and Brochure Design
