Once in a while, an opportunity to let go of the constraints of ordinary working practice shows up in the middle of the night on your door step, knocking like the police with a search warrant. And in the case of Energy Noodles, it showed up with a bouquet of stale instant noodles, and a bottle of vintage dope-free urine.
For the second instalment of a trilogy that had already seen huge viral success with the Boss Noodles™, the groundbreaking snack Energy Noodles™ launched itself into the online arena with a testosterone-fuelled fake advertisement. 
Showing little restraint for my "creative" side, I obliged by creating a truly unique script for this oscar-worthy screenplay, and thought provoking copy for a equally incredible website.
Needless to say, cinematic history was created that day…
Energy Noodles Commercial
Amsterdam Ad Blog
New York Metro


--- COPYWRITER --- Project work: Writing overall campaign copy, including concept and development of viral "fake ad" film script, and interactiv Leggi di più
