Samuel Rajs profil

Zareen Khan's Asura Fighter

Zareen Khan's Asura Fighter
(Flixy Games Pvt. Ltd.)
Produced trailers to showcase our game at GDC and promote our game on social media.
Want action? Play through an action packed adventure as Agent Zareen Khan defeats the monsters (Asuras), that appear in locations all over India! See the wonders of India as you play - the Himalayas, the Thar Desert, Kerala backwaters and more - travelling from the north to the south !
Fight deadly battles in these scenic environments, as Zareen Khan slashes, punches, and hacks monsters apart! (Try not to gasp in wonder - you’ll take damage!)
Play to uncover the mastermind behind the Asuras - what is his objective? And most importantly: how can you stop him?

What starts as a mission to save India - also gets personal...

Take action and save your brother from the clutches of the villain… if you can! Can you beat the Asuras that stand in your way?

Fight your way through them to battle tough enemies like Indrajit (from the Ramayana!) - your fast actions and quick reflexes are needed to help Zareen Khan win, and leave your enemies wondering what hit them! There’s lots more action to come!

Check it out, and get a piece of the action with:
✔Awesome female lead - Zareen Khan!
✔Beat action packed 10 levels (with more coming soon!)
✔Play with your friends by pairing your smartphone devices through bluetooth!
✔Set in India! Experience wonders with an Indian story and Indian characters!
✔Over 50 weapons - swords, axes, and knuckles!
✔Characters from the Ramayana!
✔Best of all, it's free to play! Wonderful !
✔Can be played in Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Kannada, Marathi, Gujarati and Bengali.

Society has forgotten the terror that were Asuras. A terror held back by valiant warriors, fighting in the shadows.

Warriors spoken of only in hushed tones in the highest ranks of military, the Department of Paranormal Defense. (Now recruiting)

In the himalayas, an ancient warrior stirs. Returned from death, he takes a vow: To turn this rotting world back into what it was before. How? By force.

Only the best can hope to defeat him.
Produced all trailers and promotional material for social media.

- Wrote and edited 2 seasons of story content
- Designed all features for the game
- Designed and balanced 433 item names
- Wrote descriptions for all items
- Wrote and balanced daily / limited-time quests
- Designed and wrote copy for item upgrades (5 stages)
- Designed 10 Characters
- Designed and balanced 4 character abilities
- Designed 40 stages x 3 campaigns x 2 seasons = 240 stages
- Designed 20 boss stages
- Wrote 500+ lines of dialogue for 2 seasons of content
- Wrote all character dialogues for all stories and quests
- Designed 20+ raids and wrote all copy
- Designed 10+ gachas and wrote copy for everything- Designed system and wrote copy for loading screen hints
- Designed and wrote all copy for help category
- Automated QA Checklist for all features
- Our game was localized into 10+ local and international languages including Japanese

Zareen Khan's Asura Fighter


Zareen Khan's Asura Fighter
