Eyes filled with dreams: Scale your optometrist practice faster with VSP Vision Care

Vision is the most important of human senses. The human eye grants us perspective on the visible, to see the world at a glance, to read, and engage with intelligent life along with non-living objects of human making. 

All the different parts of the eye such as the cornea, pupil, iris, and retina work together to help us see. However, it is the optometrist who can make the blurry and far away seem within touching distance. As an eye care provider, VSP Vision Care has over 88 million members and thousands of optometerists in its network across the USA. 

Eye care doctors can spot glaucoma, prevent life-threatening complications such as rare eye diseases, while screening for diabetes and heart disease–all from a comprehensive eye exam. 

The new nationwide ad campaign for VSP educates the public about the importance of a comprehensive eye exam and where they can get one. The second part of the campaign delivers a B2B toolkit for eye doctors to acquire patients by marketing themselves with customizable creative assets for traditional, digital, and social channels.

Although the human eye is incredibly complex, working hard from the minute we wake up to the second we go to sleep–constantly taking in information distinguishing colors, shapes, sizes, recognizable faces, and connecting with the brain–it is good to know we have eye care specialists who are dedicated to keeping them healthy. Many eye diseases do not have early symptoms, but can develop into serious problems if left untreated. If there are any changes in your vision, however small, reporting these changes to an eye doctor can help avert or manage eye disease. An eye exam can also let you know if there are lifestyle modifications to deter ailments you may be at risk for.
Digital display ads: Bring your patient eyes into sharper focus
Storytelling on LinkedIn
The digital toolkit is the doctor's secret weapon to attracting new patients
​​​​​​​Change the way new patients perceive your practice
This Toolkit gives eye doctors customizable creative assets for reaching new patients
Change your practice through persuasion
The Playbook gives doctors proven strategies for effectively marketing to patients



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