One Allocate Rebrand

The 5-month rebrand journey began to rethink how we support our customers today and into the future.
​Working closely with members of the marketing team and various departments across the business, we started by identifying internal and external assets in need of rebranding.
Project scope:
M&A - Rebrand, Brand Development, Collateral Creation, Product Design, Website Design
Three key pillars were in the main focus during this rebrand. ​
1. M&A + Rebrand 
New design processes creation & rebrand of product marketing collateral (Whitepapers, Datasheets and Case Studies)

2. Website Design​
Redesign of the Global website to combine the products and services across four different industries 

3. Brand Development
Brand Guidelines Update and Brand Templates creation
The rebrand went live on the 15th of March, meeting the internally set deadline.

The design team within four months of work delivered:
- over 80+ corporate assets rebranded
- new corporate website with 50+ designed pages 
- a brand kit consisted of a new curated photography library with over 100 images
- 4 product rebrands
- new brand guidelines book redefining the use of the core brand elements across all four industries globally.
One Allocate Rebrand

One Allocate Rebrand
