Be | Wellness program for MRO Holdings

We’ve design a Wellness Program with Design Thinking that enhances happiness y productivity within all of our team members, offering a wellness ecosystem with high level of motivation, belonging and happiness.

The program must have a glocal perspective of communication and application: working as a worldwide-program, but solving local needs.

Be talks to the people, encourages everyone to be themselves.
To connect with each other and be one with everyone.

The brand had to be able to speak to current and future workers in three different countries and also speak to investors, clients and external publics.

We developed an idea for an internal app that would help the Human Resources department to engage with the 10k+ employees in US, México & El Salvador.

The app would keep track from your milestones in the companies, personal progress, health checks and more.

C R E D I T S :
Creative Direction: Sam Portillo
Branding: Gerardo Rivera & Sam Portillo
Strategic Design: Gabriela Bonilla, Denisse Cabrera, Andrea Castro, Gabriela García & Gabriel Renderos

Be | Wellness program for MRO Holdings

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Be | Wellness program for MRO Holdings

We’ve designed a Wellness Program with Design Thinking that enhances happiness y productivity within all of our team members, offering a wellness Leggi di più
