How Can I Determine If I Need a Dedicated Server?

A dedicated server with integrated DDoS protection is undoubtedly the most common option for high-traffic sites, which need high uptime as well as maximum security and safety. In fact, this is the reason why the owners of very popular online games lease dedicated servers from the hosting companies to enable players to play without any interruption fellow players from other regions at all times. Dedicated server is also a good solution for eCommerce sites or any site requiring a high amount of bandwidth and large storage space.

Dedicated servers have many advantages. One of them is the fact that they are fully protected and secure. As mentioned earlier, there are powerful tools like DDoS protection, malicious scripts removal and so on. But these tools only work as long as the hosting service provider has kept these security measures in place, otherwise you will be at the mercy of cyber criminals.

Dedicated servers do not pose a threat to any third party. They are designed exclusively for your use and for your website. Unlike shared servers, when you want to make modifications or additions to your website and want to test it out in the real world, you will have to share the space with other website owners. This leads to situations where you will not be able to see any progress in your site until your neighbors complain and ask for their money back. It is because of such reasons that you should go for a ddos protected dedicated server if you want to ensure that no unwanted visitor can interrupt your work without your prior notice.

The importance of having a dedicated server is evident from the fact that you will get technical support three times a day/night. In addition, you will be provided with high quality hardware, network connectivity and security. There will be no limitations when it comes to adding more applications to the server. This is because most of the protection service providers offer control over the number of add-on applications that can be installed on the server. This gives you the freedom to customize your server exactly the way you want. You will also be provided with the technical support and help you may need during your trial period.

Dedicated servers also provide a lot of other benefits. If you have a business that involves a lot of financial transactions, you would do well to invest in ddos protected dedicated server. If you are a webmaster who wants to have a lot of flexibility when it comes to installing software, you will definitely find a service provider that offers unlimited options. If you are planning to expand your business and want to protect sensitive information from outside influences, you should go for ddos protection so that no external parties have access to your data.

Another advantage of using ddos protected dedicated servers is that they allow for faster email server operations. There is less delay when transferring emails between people because of the increased speed of the Internet connection. This makes communication and other online transactions much easier and smoother.

If you are planning to increase the size of your business or if you have an operation that involves a lot of traffic, you should go for IP protected hosting. With this, you can ensure that you don't get overloaded when it comes to bandwidth. When you overload the bandwidth, you put yourself and your web server at great risks of getting attacked by malicious users. In other words, an IP protected server offers protection against malicious attacks so you don't have to worry about IP attacks when you use this type of service.

Apart from the above, you can always rely on dedicated server hosting providers that offer guaranteed ddos protection. They are more trustworthy than other hosting providers, since they can assure themselves of getting a good number of paying customers. With the assurance of paying customers, they will do everything to make sure that they will never have any problems regarding their ddos attacks. Some of these hosting service providers even offer money back guarantee for certain cases of ddos attacks. These services are very useful especially for people who are still new to the cyber world and want to ensure that they won't be the next victim of cyber crime.



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