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The Do’s and Don'ts of Commercial Kitchen Cleaning

The Do’s and Don'ts of Commercial Kitchen Cleaning
Commercial kitchen cleaning is a difficult task, but it doesn't have to be. With commercial kitchen equipment that is hard to reach and tight spaces, commercial kitchens are often overlooked when it comes time for deep cleanings. Deep cleans can take up several hours of your day and leave you feeling frustrated. This blog post aims to help commercial kitchens with their deep cleaning by discussing the dos and don'ts of commercial kitchen cleanings!

Deep cleaning a commercial kitchen is not an easy task. It can be time-consuming, expensive, and stressful for the staff. There are two types of deep cleanings that should be done in order to maintain a healthy and sanitary environment:

- General deep cleaning once every six months and a heavy-duty deep cleaning once per year. General cleanings consist of wiping down all surfaces with disinfectant wipes as well as mopping the floor with bleach water (1/2 cup bleach to 1-gallon warm water).
- Heavy-duty cleans involve much more intense scrubbing on surfaces, under appliances, behind walls, and on floors; these should be done twice annually or monthly if necessary.
How do you deep clean a commercial kitchen?
A deep clean is necessary for a commercial kitchen to maintain an optimal sanitary environment. A deep clean should be completed every three months or more depending on the frequency of customers and how often space is used. This blog will provide information about why you need to deep clean your commercial kitchen, what it entails, and how time-consuming it can be. 

The benefits of a regular deep cleaning include removing grease from surfaces that accumulate food particles as well as eliminating odors caused by a buildup of stale air in the facility. It also includes wiping down walls, ceilings, flooring, windowsills, and light fixtures to remove dust build-up which may cause allergies for some people. 

- Do make sure you clean your kitchen thoroughly- this includes the floors, walls, and ceiling
- Don't forget to take care of the garbage disposal - it's a breeding ground for bacteria
- Do use antibacterial cleaners on all surfaces - if you're not sure which one is best, consult with professionals
- Don't touch anything in the kitchen until it has been sanitized - this will keep harmful germs from spreading to other parts of your home
- Do wear gloves when cleaning and handling food items that have come into contact with raw meat or eggs 
- Don't leave dirty dishes in the sink overnight because they can foster mold growth
- Do not use any harsh chemicals on your floors, as this will damage them over time

How often should commercial kitchen hoods be cleaned?
How often commercial kitchen hoods should be cleaned depends on how much grease and smoke residue there is. Regular cleaning will ensure that the commercial kitchen does not emit a foul odor or create an unsafe environment for employees to work in. 

A commercial kitchen needs professional attention at the very least once per year, but this may need to increase if it's been slacking off with its regular upkeep.

An annual inspection can also identify any sources of water leaks that could lead to mold growth and infestations as well as places where your HVAC system has damage from rodents nesting inside of them - these are all factors that affect air quality in the commercial space. It takes time and effort, but when you put in those extra hours during spring.

- A commercial kitchen hood is an important part of a restaurant's ventilation system, and it can get dirty quickly
- It's important to clean the fan blades on your exhaust hood regularly with soap or a special spray
- If you have grease filters installed in your kitchen, check them for clogs and remove any debris that has accumulated 
- Grease buildup can lead to fire hazards if not dealt with promptly
- The cleaner you keep your kitchen exhaust system, the more efficient it will be at removing smoke from the air 
- Cleaning should also include checking all ducts for leaks or other problems that could cause a fire hazard

How much does it cost to clean a commercial kitchen?
If you're looking to get your commercial kitchen cleaned, the cost will vary depending on what type of company you go with. There are many factors that can change the price such as how dirty it is, how big of a kitchen it is and which services they offer. With so many options, this post will compare two different companies to give an idea of what kind of prices you might be able to expect.

A kitchen is the center of any commercial establishment. It is where many different activities take place, from preparing and cooking food to washing dishes and cleaning up after a busy day. This means that it can be difficult to keep a clean kitchen, which in turn could lead to health hazards for patrons. Kitchen cleaning companies offer their services on a regular basis so that your kitchen remains sanitary at all times. The cost of hiring them will depend on how often you need them, but there are some general things you should know about this service before making an agreement with one company or another. 

Final Thoughts
Our commercial kitchen cleaning services are designed to keep your space clean and safe for staff and customers. We'll take care of the deep scrubbing, so you can focus on what matters most - running a successful business! If you need help with this important task or any other aspect of operating your restaurant, contact us today. From designing an amazing menu to creating sustainable packaging solutions, we're here to support you every step of the way in order for you to reach success. Let's get started by talking about how we can help ensure that your kitchen is always sanitary and ready to go!

A clean kitchen is a happy, safe, and sanitary place to work. When kitchens are left dirty for too long it can create an environment where harmful bacteria will flourish which can lead to food-borne illnesses and the spread of infectious diseases. 

You deserve a clean kitchen that doesn't smell like bleach or other chemicals all day long. Your employees deserve an environment where they can be productive without feeling sick from fumes or breathing in dust particles all day long.
The Do’s and Don'ts of Commercial Kitchen Cleaning

The Do’s and Don'ts of Commercial Kitchen Cleaning


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