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How to Create a Study Space for Kids

How to Create a Study Space for Kids
Kids Study Area
Photo credits: freepik
With the uncertainty created by the pandemic, including lockdowns that may occur any day, there are chances that the young ones won't be allowed to go back to face-to-face learning. Hence, preparing a specific space where the kids can learn in peace can greatly improve their productivity and efficiency in learning and completing their school work.

Assigning a specific space for studying can help the kids focus, especially if they don't have a dedicated study space in their rooms. If you're having trouble with where to start, here are some ideas to help you out:

1. Find the ideal location
Depending on the age of your children, you may need to set up spaces in different parts of the house. If your children need more supervision, you may have to choose an area where you can conveniently watch over the kids whilst doing other things. An ideal location would be the dining room, kitchen, or an area where you stay more often to make it easier to assist them in their work if needed. 

However, if you have children who are already in high school, it's ideal to provide them with a more peaceful study space where they can easily focus on their work. If the bedrooms don't have enough space to accommodate a work area, dedicate a quiet and 

2. Have a dedicated study/workspace
Once you've chosen the perfect spot, you may add a desk or two so that your children can have a dedicated space where they can focus on their work. If you have enough space, you may choose to add some shelves where the kids can organise their books and school supplies.

Letting the children decorate their workspace can also boost their motivation and productivity. Whilst decorating the space can be fun for the young ones, keep in mind that too many decorations and colours might end up distracting them from their work. If you're planning on adding coloured accessories to the desk, consider using colours that complement each other. As much as possible, stick to two colours to give life to space without being too distracting.

3. Provide a good desk and desk chair
Aside from having a peaceful space, having a desk and desk chair considering the comfortable height for the children. It's crucial for children to have an ergonomic chair and promote good posture. When possible, let the children try the chair to make sure that it is comfortable for them.

4. Have proper lighting
Having proper lighting is important for studying. When possible, choose a spot with natural lighting to avoid experiencing headaches and tiredness caused by long exposure to artificial light. Choose a location where natural lighting is not too harsh, especially during the daytime. 

5. Keep school supplies and other essentials within reach
To avoid breaking the children's concentration, it's ideal to keep all the materials they might need within reach. This way they won't have to worry about leaving their work to get additional supplies. Whilst providing the stationery they need, make sure that they have enough space to work and that the desk doesn't look messy.
How to Create a Study Space for Kids

How to Create a Study Space for Kids

