Have questions? Qitt it!
Qitt is a question-and-answer platform where users ask, answer, and follow facts or opinions, augmenting a social link between them. Qitt’s content is created entirely by its users, and it is entirely determined by the community it fosters.
Target Audience
We can segment the target audience of Qitt into two categories: primary users age 18-60, educated and living in non-rural areas, such as writers, media journalists, students, and professionals. And professional users who are willing to earn an income by sharing their “know how”
The Problem
Quora, Yahoo Answers, Stack Overflow and Reddit are just a few examples of Q & A apps available in the global mobile app market. All these apps are free to use, but the answers are not 100% credible; anyone can answer any question. Therefore, this Qitt app was designed to get the answers from the professionals of the sector. For example, Users can ask questions about plumbing and get answers from a professional plumber to solve their problems or get a different perspective on their problem.
The solution
Qitt is a 100% user-driven app, similar to Reddit, Quora, and Yahoo Answer, which allows users to ask questions and get answers 100% for free from other users. Furthermore, this app allows users to ask questions of professionals and pay them a small fee to see their professional point of view on the question.
Market Gap
In our analysis of the competitor apps, we found the following issues as the common user experience issues. Therefore, we designed Qitt to solve these issues.
- Poor visual hierarchy
- Distracting ads with no distinction between posts and advertisements
- Difficulty navigating Topics and Sessions
- Lack of account visibility
- Inconsistent icon and shapes
- Accuracy of answers

Design Process
Several logos and wordmarks for the start-up were explored. We chose the logo that best represented the concept of Qitt after some exploration and we chose emerald colour as the brand colour for our app.
As a primary colour, we chose green (emerald) since it gives a sense of accuracy. Blue has many of the same calming qualities as green, therefore, ‘Blue’ was used to establish trust between the parties. Addition to that the Mustard colour is used as an accent colour. We decided to make a light mode UI for the app since it is a social media app and users spend more time looking at screens, so that all age groups can use it comfortably
Wire framing
After a multi-level discussion, we developed the basic navigation flow of the app, looking at layouts while keeping a better user experience in mind.
Component Library
Because we were planning to design for edge cases in this project, we iterated on building a component library. As the project progressed, the major components were added to the library.
User Experience | Prototypes
App Home
A simple and minimal walkthrough showing the essential features of the app for first-time users. Generalized home screen for first-time users and a personalized home screen for returning and regular users to maximize user retention. Home screen contents trending questions in descending order of priority.
Post a Question
Users can attach audio, video, scribbles, photographs, pdf files, etc. to their questions.
Answer a Question
Users can answer a question for free or provide a professional answer and charge a fee.
User Profile & Transactions
Simple and minimal walkthrough showing the essential user settings of the app and transactions done by the user.
Internal Chat option of the app was inspired by WhatsApp with some additional features related to Qitt.
Qitt app


Qitt app
