Profiel van Laura Vatovani

System Under Surveillance logo banners and more

Internship assignment and final exam project

System Under Surveillance
logo, banners and more
During my internship with Ink To Pixels, I have created the logo for their first developing product, a game called System Under Surveillance. I also created several banners and a holographic tree design for the game.
The logo is made in pixel art, to match the overall esthetic of the game itself. The typography is custom made by me as well and turned into a functional font.
During my final exam project I dedicated time to redesigning the user interface of the game, making it clearer while still allowing immersion.

The inspiration
Before I started designing the logo I took inspiration from the game and their logo at the time.
The logo
logo in RGB
logo in CMYK
The logo was created with bright neon colours and a vibrant palette to capture the style and vibe of 80s/90s games.
We used hues ranging from a reddish magenta to a deep blue in some parts. We accented some parts with a warm bright vibrant yellow. The decision was also made to keep the featured character in full color as that is something you could find it the retro games.
The logo comes as a CMYK version for printed material and a RGB version for digital media. Due to slight adjustments, the proper version should be used for each media type.

The banners
I created 3 separate illustrations in pixel art style to be used as banner for social media and websites. Again the style was chosen to fit the overall image of the game.
Social media banner
The social media banner is made in a fish eye perspective from the view point of a fallen drone. This was the first banner created in a way to tease the theme of the game better and create the feeling the game has as you play it.
Website center banner
Website bottom banner
For the website we wanted to create more of a poster banner with a top and bottom part. In the end we decided to split it into two separate banners, where the one showcasing the characters would be at the top as the center most important piece and the city view would be at the bottom on top of the footer.

The holographic tree design
First attempts and ideas were all over the place. I wanted to try out different things and styles.
The progression of the final design. The tree trunk had to be extended, using the character as a reference. A glow was added from the base, as well as some moss and rust, to make it fit the rest of the environment. In the end I added a falling leaf animation which was then refined to a smother transition between steps.
The trees were then implemented in the game and have been programmed to shatter when the character walks into them. They also received a colour layer that changes with the threat level.
In game look of the final holo tree design.
The UI design
During my final exam project I worked with the game's user interface and several icons. I wanted to keep the overall steampunk/cyberpunk feel to it. I took inspiration from the environment and used some small details and elements, so it would feel more connected.
Alerts were also redesigned to be more distinguishable from each other.
Besides that I also created new icons for the inventory and a new terminal window design.
The UI within the game
The font
With the logo I also created a custom font, that is used in the logo itself and is to be used in the game and other media.
Project update
I have revisited this project a year later. The team's new comic artist made a redesign of the main character, so I was asked to change my previous illustration to the new design. I also added some highlights and reflections.
I also did some help with thumbnails and the making of a new background for ads.
Usage of different elements
Main menu within the game with my logo design and the redone main characters featuring the new look by the comic artist.
Twitter social media account, with my logo mark as the avatar and header background (added text and screenshots not made by me).
Steam page, featuring parts of my UI design on the screenshot, logo and background.
System Under Surveillance logo banners and more

System Under Surveillance logo banners and more

Internship assignment I have worked on with Ink To Pixels I/S for their first game System Under Surveillance.
