Image retouching and editing
Mastering the skill of image editing is one of the essential parts of creating visual content at present. Traditional craft is now enhanced by post-processing, which results in images that are able to show the subject in the best light. Thus, whether you're a fine artist or designer, there is a huge benefit from using image enhancing techniques and software, such as Adobe Photoshop in your personal or client work.

Personally I've used image editing in my work as an illustrator and graphic designer, enhancing the look of photographs and illustrations in my projects, or in creating content for print and digital media (ex. book layouts, covers, posters, mock-ups, etc.)   

Below I've set up a few examples of my own work with image retouching.
Restoring images to a new life
Compositions resulting from the blend of multiple frames.
Adjustments to contrast and values. Digital colorization.
Photographic Editing
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Photographic Editing

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